Friday 1 February 2013

Power Puff Girls Z Love Story Part13


At the school corridor.

  Kayuko: Kauro!Kauro! Kauro was packing her bags in her locker than she face backwards when she saw Kayuko. Kayuko : I'm glad I found you here. Kauro : Why? What's the matter? What happened?  Kayuko: You need to follow me now. Kauro was confused but Kayuko pulled her hand and brang her to a place.

At the school rooftop.

         Kauro : Wow , this is place is so cool with fresh air it's beautiful . I never knew we could find a place like this. Kayuko: I know . I came up here everyday. Urmmm... Kauro . There's something i have to ask you.Kauro: What is it? Kayuko : I've known you better Kauro and I geuss this is the best time. Kauro: Meaning? Kayuko : Will you be my grilfriend? Kauro got confused between Kayuko and Zero.

At the school corridor.

             Zero brought flowers and chocolates. Zero : I can't find Kauro anywhere? A guy pass through him and Zero hold his arm.Zero: You seen Kauro? The guy: No but I saw Kayuko bring a girl to the rooftop. Zero : Rooftop? Oh , thanks. The guy without a word. Zero ran to the rooftop and saw Kauro and Kayuko. Kauro : Kayuko are you sure me as your girlfriend? Kayuko:Yes. Zero: Kauro! Kauro saw Zero . Kauro:Zero? Zero: I may not be a perfect guy but please give me a second chance I promise I wont  hurt you again but i only can prove to you my love with words . I LOVE YOU. Kauro: Zero... Kauro sighed.  Zero : Sorry if you want more than that but i can't that's the only i can give. Kauro : Kayuko I'm sorry but I.... Kayuko : Don't worry I wont force but I'll always wait for you. Kauro ran to catch Zero.

At the corridor.

                                      Zero looked down and thought to himself. Maybe I'm not the one he said. Kauro:ZERO!!!!!!!! Zero face backward and saw Kauro . Zero : Karuo? Kauro gave him a kiss and the same thing happened they connect it. Zero : Sorry I slaped you. Kauro : Sorry I dumped you for your tempers. Zero laughed Zero: OH,YEAH! Here some chocolates and flowers but the flowers i bought them from a cheap place sorry. Kauro: Your cheap Zero but your expenscive to me. Kauro hugged him and gave him a kissed.

                  Momoko: I love seing them together... Zeke: ME too... Zene: Let's celebrate. Miyako: OK! PIZZA!