Friday 8 March 2013

Powerpuff girls Z Part:14



            Well, it's been 5 months me and the girls dated the boys and school nearly over . I can already smell the fresh air of the beach. Kauro:Hey, Momoko are you daydreaming again? Momoko : Well, I just can't wait for summer. Miyako: Well where you wanna go on this summer vacation. Are you doing it with Zeke? I paused and smiled when Miyako said Zeke name. Momoko: Well, I don't know but all I know is we'll be busy anyway with these hero stuff. Well I know we have to say Townsville but I'm tired, I think I wanna stop being a hero and live with my own normal human life because I missed being normal humans. Miyako: But you are Momoko! Momoko: Half of it. I'm half hero and half human. Sometime I feel like our body is always been control by our super powers not by our brain. Kauro: But don't you realize ? If we weren't heroes from the first place we wont meet each other and we'll wont meet  professor, ken, pucci and even the boys. Momoko: Yeah, well. I miss being innocent Momoko who doesn't like to hurt people. Miyako: Just think the bright spot don't think the dark one. Well Miyako is right , I have to follow her example positive in everything and negative to nothing.

                                 I went to my locker and pick out my books and look at the schedule for the next class.  
Zeke: HEY! MOMOKO! I notice someone called me and it was the love of my life. Momoko: Zeke! He ran to me. I love him , he was always there for me .
sorry internet block...


Friday 1 February 2013

Power Puff Girls Z Love Story Part13


At the school corridor.

  Kayuko: Kauro!Kauro! Kauro was packing her bags in her locker than she face backwards when she saw Kayuko. Kayuko : I'm glad I found you here. Kauro : Why? What's the matter? What happened?  Kayuko: You need to follow me now. Kauro was confused but Kayuko pulled her hand and brang her to a place.

At the school rooftop.

         Kauro : Wow , this is place is so cool with fresh air it's beautiful . I never knew we could find a place like this. Kayuko: I know . I came up here everyday. Urmmm... Kauro . There's something i have to ask you.Kauro: What is it? Kayuko : I've known you better Kauro and I geuss this is the best time. Kauro: Meaning? Kayuko : Will you be my grilfriend? Kauro got confused between Kayuko and Zero.

At the school corridor.

             Zero brought flowers and chocolates. Zero : I can't find Kauro anywhere? A guy pass through him and Zero hold his arm.Zero: You seen Kauro? The guy: No but I saw Kayuko bring a girl to the rooftop. Zero : Rooftop? Oh , thanks. The guy without a word. Zero ran to the rooftop and saw Kauro and Kayuko. Kauro : Kayuko are you sure me as your girlfriend? Kayuko:Yes. Zero: Kauro! Kauro saw Zero . Kauro:Zero? Zero: I may not be a perfect guy but please give me a second chance I promise I wont  hurt you again but i only can prove to you my love with words . I LOVE YOU. Kauro: Zero... Kauro sighed.  Zero : Sorry if you want more than that but i can't that's the only i can give. Kauro : Kayuko I'm sorry but I.... Kayuko : Don't worry I wont force but I'll always wait for you. Kauro ran to catch Zero.

At the corridor.

                                      Zero looked down and thought to himself. Maybe I'm not the one he said. Kauro:ZERO!!!!!!!! Zero face backward and saw Kauro . Zero : Karuo? Kauro gave him a kiss and the same thing happened they connect it. Zero : Sorry I slaped you. Kauro : Sorry I dumped you for your tempers. Zero laughed Zero: OH,YEAH! Here some chocolates and flowers but the flowers i bought them from a cheap place sorry. Kauro: Your cheap Zero but your expenscive to me. Kauro hugged him and gave him a kissed.

                  Momoko: I love seing them together... Zeke: ME too... Zene: Let's celebrate. Miyako: OK! PIZZA!  


Thursday 21 June 2012

Powerpuff Girls Z Part : 12.

At the rrbz house .

                          Zero : I can't believe I did that to her and now she's with somebody else . Now how will I get her to be with me again . I really love her but .... Zeke : You just don't know how to control your temper. Zero : Hah ? Zeke : You know what Zero ? I know two person that can help you . Zero : Who . Zeke : You'll know on the way . Zero was confused . But he just go on with it .

At Momoko's place .

                           Momoko : So let me see you want our help to teach Zero how to control his tempers and how to get Kauro back but still that guy is so hot. Zero: Are you helping me or him . Momoko: Can I say both ? Zero : Never mind just continue . Miyako : But still Kauro not like other girls . If she found a guy and just ask him for a relationship in only one day . That doesn't sound like Kauro ? Zero : Well , what if I say she walks home with that guy and start having fun with him . Miyako : Well I see her walking with her brother everyday . Does that means she's inlove with her brothers too. Momoko : Errrrrr........ You  know what Miyako . Some time your brain is useful and sometime their not . Miyako : That's why I'm special . Zero : Yeah , yeah what ever now stick to the plan . I have no time for your chatting . Momoko : Now I see your temper. We'll help you but for one condition . Zero : Oh, great ! Zeke : Yeah , sure Zero will do anything . Zero : WHAT! Zeke : C'mon this is your chance to get Kauro back . Zero : Fine ... Momoko : OK ! Remember the science project that were suppose to finish . Zero : Yeah , why? Momoko : We need you to finish our project. Zero : WHAT! Zeke : Oh there's no big deal Zero will do trhat right Zero ? Zero : Yeah what ever . Momoko and Miyako ; YAY ! Momoko : OK ! Here's the plan ......

End of part 12.            

Friday 8 June 2012

Powerpuff Girls Z love story part 11.


 Recess .

                     Kauro was having lunch alone . Momoko and Miyako was going to get an autograph of the most popular artist and the cutest guy to be notes’ . Today at their school will be visited by the most cutest and the most popular artist in Japan. Only thing is Kauro wasn’t interested in that . All the students had gone to meet him so can be say the canteen is ZERO! Accept for Kauro she was there . Then came in the boys Zeke : What so interesting with that artist until the whole the school wants to meet him ? Zero : Yeah ! His just a normal artist . Don’t you think Zene ? Zene ? The boys were shocked to see Zene was gone . Zeke : Don’t tell me Zene too. Zero : Hey , look there’s my girlfriend . Let sit there . Zeke : Let’s just sit next to the window .  Zero carried him and send him to Kauro’s table. Zeke : PUT ME DOWN DOED . THIS ISN’T COOL DOED…. Zero : I’m telling you just listen ok! Zeke : I have a girlfriend too you know . Zero: Hey , Kauro would you let us sit with you ? Kauro : Your not telling me that you’re going to eat while carrying him . Zero : Uhh… NO!  Kauro : So put him down your embarrassing me ! Zeke : Don’t anybody care about me ! Zero and Kauro : NO! Zero put him down and sit with him at the table . Zero : So ar… Kauro . Your free tonight . Kauro : Zero , we’ve been dating for 6 weeks now so stop it ! I still have homework to do ! Zero : Oh , c’mon . PLEASE ! Kauro : Knock it off Zero . Stop embarrassing me . Zero : I’m asking you nicely . Kauro : But your forcing me ! Zero : Kauro please don’t make me mad . Kauro : All you think is about your stupid date don’t you have any home work to do cause I know I do . Zero : Kauro! Kauro : I should have coupled with the monkey then you! Zero : SHUT UP KAURO ! Zero slapped her . Kauro felt hurt but she manly herself up. Kauro : You know what you should stop it or it’s over . Kauro took her bag and leave the canteen . Zero sit down and sigh . Zeke just stared at him . Zero : What you looking at . Stop staring at me and start eating with your  mouth ! Zeke just shut his mouth and didn’t said a thing .

At the school corridor.

                   Kauro : was sitting at the school bench next to the corridor while holding a picture of her and Zero. Then a guy came. The guy : Hey , you’re alone?  Kauro : Huh ? Oh it’s you Kayuko . I thought you were… Kayuko : Don’t tell me Zero ? Kauro blushed . Kayuko : I saw what happened just now . Between you and Zero . Kauro : Yeah well I don’t want to talk about it . Kayuko sit next to her and put her head on his shoulder . Kauro was confused . She looked at him … Kayuko : Don’t worry everything’s alright. Just relax your mind and take that photo . He took it and throw it away from her .  Kauro : Thanks , Kayuko . Kayuko : Do you remember the time we met . Kauro : Huh? Kayuko : You forced me to share my lunch with you cause you didn’t have any money and you forgot to bring your lunch . I said I’ll give you if you trade me with want kiss . You said you won’t but you have no choice cause you already asked everybody. So you did and for that day you always ignore me so I won’t tell anybody but I don’t know how that gonna help. Since we move to other classes I became popular than ever . Kauro : Wait your little Kuka . Kayuko : Will this remind you . He took out a necklace and showed her . Kauro ; Wow, Kuka you really grown . Kayuko : Thanks but you can just call me Kayuko I’m enough eembarrassed when I was little. Kauro just smile and laid her head again on Kayuko’s shoulder .

After recess .

                      Kauro : Well it was a nice time Kayuko . Geuss I’ll be heading class .  Kayuko : Kauro ! Kauro : Yes ! Kayuko get closer to her and was about to give her a kiss Kauro did the same . Zero : I’ve should had did that . I better Kauro now . Then at the corridor Zero saw them . They were about to kiss . Zero ran quickly and put his hand between them they both kissed his hand without notice they get rid of it. Kauro : WHAT THE!!! Zero : So you thought you can kiss my girlfriend huh? Kauro : Zero stop it ! Zero : But Kauro he tried to …  Kauro : That’s it Zero stop it now even though you’re not my boyfriend anymore were over . C’mon Kayuko let’s go .  Kayuko was a little shocked , he didn’t really saw that coming . Zero : Kauro… 

After school .

                    Zero walked alone . He saw Kauro walking with Kayuko , he reminded himself about old time when he was walking with Kauro . They had fund together. Then the guys came in . Zeke : Hey , bro . You want to follow us to see a movie , you even can bring Kauro who know that will cheer up her mind . Zero : Thanks guys but no thanks . Zene : What’s the metter bro . You look like an omelet . Then Zene saw Kauro walking with someone . Zeke : Whose Kauro walking with. Zene : I think I know that guy . His one of my member. His the most hottest kid in school . But his nice you know if you got to know him better.cOh yeah he told me the time Kauro wanted him to share his lunch with her old time . He said he told her he’ll share if she trade her kisses to him so she did . They used to call him little Kuka but now since his hot and popular his no more little Kuka . Zero : Just leave me alone guys . Zero ran away .


Thursday 7 June 2012

Powerpuff Girls Z love story part 10 .


At the school .

                    Zene: Miyako! Miyako : Hey , Zene . Zene : Did you bring Octi ? Miyako : I sure did . Miyako look for Octi in her school bag . But Octi wasn’t there . Miyako : Oh , No ! Octi’s missing . Zene: What he can’t be missing . Maybe you left him at home . Miyako : But I never left Octi . I love him so much , I won’t go anywhere without him! Oh , Zene  . Please help me find him.  Zene : Don’t worry Miyako . We’ll find him , he can’t be that far .  Now where was the last time you saw Octi . Miyako : Well …… Then came a guy bringing Octi . The guy : Is this yours my lady .  Miyako : OCTI!! Miyako ran to Octi and hug him. Miyako : Thank you very much. But who are you ? The guy : Sorry for being rood for not introducing myself. I’m Misaka . I’m the blood of the Kimita family . Miyako : You mean you’re the son of the richest man in Townsville . Misaka : If I say yes , would that make you happy . Miyako : OMG !  I can’t believe my eyes . I’m Miyako , your grandmother goes to high school with my grandmother old time .  Misaka : Oh , right . You’re the Takumi family . No wonder you’re so cute.   Miyako : Thanks. Miyako blushed. Zene whispered to himself . Zene : This guy is weird . As long he doesn’t touch her , I’ll be alright. Misaka : You know what ? My family is having a dinner tonight . I would like you to come to see my family . Misaka took some of Miyako’s hair and twirl it. Misaka : It will be fun having you around . That made Zene really mad at him . Zene : Put your hands off of her . You have no right to touch her . Miyako : Hah , sorry his my classmate. Misaka : Oh, really ? For the second there . I thought he was your boyfriend. Miyako : Nonsense , were just friends . Zene : Just friends? Miyako : Yes, what else than? Zene : Nothing . But you’re not going right. Miyako : Zene . I have too. That’s ok Misaka , your grandmother already invited me and my grandmother. Misaka : That’s wonderful to hear … See you there . Miyako : Yeah ! See you there . Zene : Miyako , I need to talk to you. Miyako : What is it. Zene : Were just friends . Remember the night we went out . I told you were something to me . Miyako : Well , I know that but to me . If a guy kiss me . That means he really think I’m special to him . Zene : What a kiss . Miyako : Sorry , Zene your not my prince charming . I just don’t think we meant together . I just think you as a friend . Nothing , more. I’m going to class . See you. Zene : Miyako …

On recess .

                      The boys are having lunch with the girls . Miyako was going to sit next to Zene. Zene : Hey , Miyako . Here ! I save you a sit . Miyako went to the sit but then Misaka . Misaka : Hey , Miyako sit with me I save you a sit at the V.I.P  corner.Miyako was confused . Then she thought to sit next to Misaka . Miyako : Sorry guys . Maybe next time. Miyako went to the V.I.P corner. Momoko : Wow , whose that guy . His cute . Zeke : Yeah , whatever all I know is he is not going to steal my girlfriend’s heart . Zeke was a little jealous. Momoko : Oh, Brick . Don’t be jealous I’m just kidding around. Zeke : I’m not jealous .  Momoko : Hmmmmmm…… Momoko just smiled at Zeke. Then Momoko looked at Zene . She saw him looking a little down. Momoko : What’s the matter Zene you look like you lost your girlfriend . Zene : Sound’s to it . Momoko : Ooooh.. C’mon Zene don’t be jealous I know Miyako just want to know him. Zene : Not only that. Zene told Momoko all about it. Momoko : Oooooh… I see you have problem of kissing a girl . When was the last time you kiss a girl beside your mother. Zeke : He never kiss mom . Mom kiss him. When mom ask him to kiss her . He cried . NO MOMMY PLEASE DON’T FORCE ME I’M SCARED !!! Zeke and Zero : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Kauro gave them a serious face. Then they both stopped laughing . Kauro : So you’re scared of kissing a girl so what . All guys are always like that on their first kiss and I know your brother’s can help . Kauro gave Zeke and Zero a scary eyes . Zeke and Zero : Yeah , sure ! Yeah . That’ll be terrific . hehehehe. Zene : Really , thanks guys you’re the best. Zeke : Yeah , how hard could it be……

At the boys house .

                         Zeke : I can’t believe it’s so hard to trained him. Zero : I know. He even can’t kiss a doll . Zeke : Ok, Zene . Kiss it on the lips not on the other part. Zene gently kiss and finally gets it . Zeke : Oh, finally ! You know what little brother . Your totally ready to go to that dinner.

At the Kimita family’s house .

               There were so many people wearing fancy clothes.Zene was waiting outside. Zene finally saw Miyako . Zene : MIYAKO!!! Miyako saw him . Miyako : ZENE!! Then came out Misaka who is notice as the driver. Zene was shocked . He slowly move backward while Miyako and Misaka went in together . Then they all had dinner . After dinner it was the ball dance next. Miyako danced with Misaka while Zene  just see them dance . Then he saw them went to the balcony , Misaka kissed Miyako . Then Miyako and Misaka gently pushed away . But Miyako didn’t  felt right . Miyako : I’m sorry Misaka I just don’t feel it . Misaka : But I do . Miyako : I’m sorry . Miyako ran away and left the ball .

At the park .

                  Miyako was crying and saw a shooting star . Miyako : I wished I find my real true prince charming. Zene : I don’t know if I’m the one but will the princess care to dance with me . Miyako smiled and dance with him . Miyako : I’m sorry I was rood to you . Will you ever forgive me .  Zene : I always did. Miyako !  You’re really special to me and this is how I prove it. Zene kissed her Miyako and for the first time Zene took out his tounge to connect with Miyako’s . Zene really did it . In a sparkle light they both changed into their transformation . They gently pulled out . Miyako : Zene you’re my prince charming that I really love and forever will .  Zene : Well I just can say you’re more special then the stars and the others that I met. Can I keep you . Miyako : Yes, you can keep me anytime ! Zene : Then I’ll keep you forever! Then there was fireworks. They both enjoyed the night together.


Wednesday 6 June 2012

Video for ppgz story k-pop fan



                                                               PPGZ FAN K-POP