Thursday 21 June 2012

Powerpuff Girls Z Part : 12.

At the rrbz house .

                          Zero : I can't believe I did that to her and now she's with somebody else . Now how will I get her to be with me again . I really love her but .... Zeke : You just don't know how to control your temper. Zero : Hah ? Zeke : You know what Zero ? I know two person that can help you . Zero : Who . Zeke : You'll know on the way . Zero was confused . But he just go on with it .

At Momoko's place .

                           Momoko : So let me see you want our help to teach Zero how to control his tempers and how to get Kauro back but still that guy is so hot. Zero: Are you helping me or him . Momoko: Can I say both ? Zero : Never mind just continue . Miyako : But still Kauro not like other girls . If she found a guy and just ask him for a relationship in only one day . That doesn't sound like Kauro ? Zero : Well , what if I say she walks home with that guy and start having fun with him . Miyako : Well I see her walking with her brother everyday . Does that means she's inlove with her brothers too. Momoko : Errrrrr........ You  know what Miyako . Some time your brain is useful and sometime their not . Miyako : That's why I'm special . Zero : Yeah , yeah what ever now stick to the plan . I have no time for your chatting . Momoko : Now I see your temper. We'll help you but for one condition . Zero : Oh, great ! Zeke : Yeah , sure Zero will do anything . Zero : WHAT! Zeke : C'mon this is your chance to get Kauro back . Zero : Fine ... Momoko : OK ! Remember the science project that were suppose to finish . Zero : Yeah , why? Momoko : We need you to finish our project. Zero : WHAT! Zeke : Oh there's no big deal Zero will do trhat right Zero ? Zero : Yeah what ever . Momoko and Miyako ; YAY ! Momoko : OK ! Here's the plan ......

End of part 12.            

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't get more pictures but this will do. I promise on the last chapter I'll make a photo parade ^_^
