Thursday 21 June 2012

Powerpuff Girls Z Part : 12.

At the rrbz house .

                          Zero : I can't believe I did that to her and now she's with somebody else . Now how will I get her to be with me again . I really love her but .... Zeke : You just don't know how to control your temper. Zero : Hah ? Zeke : You know what Zero ? I know two person that can help you . Zero : Who . Zeke : You'll know on the way . Zero was confused . But he just go on with it .

At Momoko's place .

                           Momoko : So let me see you want our help to teach Zero how to control his tempers and how to get Kauro back but still that guy is so hot. Zero: Are you helping me or him . Momoko: Can I say both ? Zero : Never mind just continue . Miyako : But still Kauro not like other girls . If she found a guy and just ask him for a relationship in only one day . That doesn't sound like Kauro ? Zero : Well , what if I say she walks home with that guy and start having fun with him . Miyako : Well I see her walking with her brother everyday . Does that means she's inlove with her brothers too. Momoko : Errrrrr........ You  know what Miyako . Some time your brain is useful and sometime their not . Miyako : That's why I'm special . Zero : Yeah , yeah what ever now stick to the plan . I have no time for your chatting . Momoko : Now I see your temper. We'll help you but for one condition . Zero : Oh, great ! Zeke : Yeah , sure Zero will do anything . Zero : WHAT! Zeke : C'mon this is your chance to get Kauro back . Zero : Fine ... Momoko : OK ! Remember the science project that were suppose to finish . Zero : Yeah , why? Momoko : We need you to finish our project. Zero : WHAT! Zeke : Oh there's no big deal Zero will do trhat right Zero ? Zero : Yeah what ever . Momoko and Miyako ; YAY ! Momoko : OK ! Here's the plan ......

End of part 12.            

Friday 8 June 2012

Powerpuff Girls Z love story part 11.


 Recess .

                     Kauro was having lunch alone . Momoko and Miyako was going to get an autograph of the most popular artist and the cutest guy to be notes’ . Today at their school will be visited by the most cutest and the most popular artist in Japan. Only thing is Kauro wasn’t interested in that . All the students had gone to meet him so can be say the canteen is ZERO! Accept for Kauro she was there . Then came in the boys Zeke : What so interesting with that artist until the whole the school wants to meet him ? Zero : Yeah ! His just a normal artist . Don’t you think Zene ? Zene ? The boys were shocked to see Zene was gone . Zeke : Don’t tell me Zene too. Zero : Hey , look there’s my girlfriend . Let sit there . Zeke : Let’s just sit next to the window .  Zero carried him and send him to Kauro’s table. Zeke : PUT ME DOWN DOED . THIS ISN’T COOL DOED…. Zero : I’m telling you just listen ok! Zeke : I have a girlfriend too you know . Zero: Hey , Kauro would you let us sit with you ? Kauro : Your not telling me that you’re going to eat while carrying him . Zero : Uhh… NO!  Kauro : So put him down your embarrassing me ! Zeke : Don’t anybody care about me ! Zero and Kauro : NO! Zero put him down and sit with him at the table . Zero : So ar… Kauro . Your free tonight . Kauro : Zero , we’ve been dating for 6 weeks now so stop it ! I still have homework to do ! Zero : Oh , c’mon . PLEASE ! Kauro : Knock it off Zero . Stop embarrassing me . Zero : I’m asking you nicely . Kauro : But your forcing me ! Zero : Kauro please don’t make me mad . Kauro : All you think is about your stupid date don’t you have any home work to do cause I know I do . Zero : Kauro! Kauro : I should have coupled with the monkey then you! Zero : SHUT UP KAURO ! Zero slapped her . Kauro felt hurt but she manly herself up. Kauro : You know what you should stop it or it’s over . Kauro took her bag and leave the canteen . Zero sit down and sigh . Zeke just stared at him . Zero : What you looking at . Stop staring at me and start eating with your  mouth ! Zeke just shut his mouth and didn’t said a thing .

At the school corridor.

                   Kauro : was sitting at the school bench next to the corridor while holding a picture of her and Zero. Then a guy came. The guy : Hey , you’re alone?  Kauro : Huh ? Oh it’s you Kayuko . I thought you were… Kayuko : Don’t tell me Zero ? Kauro blushed . Kayuko : I saw what happened just now . Between you and Zero . Kauro : Yeah well I don’t want to talk about it . Kayuko sit next to her and put her head on his shoulder . Kauro was confused . She looked at him … Kayuko : Don’t worry everything’s alright. Just relax your mind and take that photo . He took it and throw it away from her .  Kauro : Thanks , Kayuko . Kayuko : Do you remember the time we met . Kauro : Huh? Kayuko : You forced me to share my lunch with you cause you didn’t have any money and you forgot to bring your lunch . I said I’ll give you if you trade me with want kiss . You said you won’t but you have no choice cause you already asked everybody. So you did and for that day you always ignore me so I won’t tell anybody but I don’t know how that gonna help. Since we move to other classes I became popular than ever . Kauro : Wait your little Kuka . Kayuko : Will this remind you . He took out a necklace and showed her . Kauro ; Wow, Kuka you really grown . Kayuko : Thanks but you can just call me Kayuko I’m enough eembarrassed when I was little. Kauro just smile and laid her head again on Kayuko’s shoulder .

After recess .

                      Kauro : Well it was a nice time Kayuko . Geuss I’ll be heading class .  Kayuko : Kauro ! Kauro : Yes ! Kayuko get closer to her and was about to give her a kiss Kauro did the same . Zero : I’ve should had did that . I better Kauro now . Then at the corridor Zero saw them . They were about to kiss . Zero ran quickly and put his hand between them they both kissed his hand without notice they get rid of it. Kauro : WHAT THE!!! Zero : So you thought you can kiss my girlfriend huh? Kauro : Zero stop it ! Zero : But Kauro he tried to …  Kauro : That’s it Zero stop it now even though you’re not my boyfriend anymore were over . C’mon Kayuko let’s go .  Kayuko was a little shocked , he didn’t really saw that coming . Zero : Kauro… 

After school .

                    Zero walked alone . He saw Kauro walking with Kayuko , he reminded himself about old time when he was walking with Kauro . They had fund together. Then the guys came in . Zeke : Hey , bro . You want to follow us to see a movie , you even can bring Kauro who know that will cheer up her mind . Zero : Thanks guys but no thanks . Zene : What’s the metter bro . You look like an omelet . Then Zene saw Kauro walking with someone . Zeke : Whose Kauro walking with. Zene : I think I know that guy . His one of my member. His the most hottest kid in school . But his nice you know if you got to know him better.cOh yeah he told me the time Kauro wanted him to share his lunch with her old time . He said he told her he’ll share if she trade her kisses to him so she did . They used to call him little Kuka but now since his hot and popular his no more little Kuka . Zero : Just leave me alone guys . Zero ran away .


Thursday 7 June 2012

Powerpuff Girls Z love story part 10 .


At the school .

                    Zene: Miyako! Miyako : Hey , Zene . Zene : Did you bring Octi ? Miyako : I sure did . Miyako look for Octi in her school bag . But Octi wasn’t there . Miyako : Oh , No ! Octi’s missing . Zene: What he can’t be missing . Maybe you left him at home . Miyako : But I never left Octi . I love him so much , I won’t go anywhere without him! Oh , Zene  . Please help me find him.  Zene : Don’t worry Miyako . We’ll find him , he can’t be that far .  Now where was the last time you saw Octi . Miyako : Well …… Then came a guy bringing Octi . The guy : Is this yours my lady .  Miyako : OCTI!! Miyako ran to Octi and hug him. Miyako : Thank you very much. But who are you ? The guy : Sorry for being rood for not introducing myself. I’m Misaka . I’m the blood of the Kimita family . Miyako : You mean you’re the son of the richest man in Townsville . Misaka : If I say yes , would that make you happy . Miyako : OMG !  I can’t believe my eyes . I’m Miyako , your grandmother goes to high school with my grandmother old time .  Misaka : Oh , right . You’re the Takumi family . No wonder you’re so cute.   Miyako : Thanks. Miyako blushed. Zene whispered to himself . Zene : This guy is weird . As long he doesn’t touch her , I’ll be alright. Misaka : You know what ? My family is having a dinner tonight . I would like you to come to see my family . Misaka took some of Miyako’s hair and twirl it. Misaka : It will be fun having you around . That made Zene really mad at him . Zene : Put your hands off of her . You have no right to touch her . Miyako : Hah , sorry his my classmate. Misaka : Oh, really ? For the second there . I thought he was your boyfriend. Miyako : Nonsense , were just friends . Zene : Just friends? Miyako : Yes, what else than? Zene : Nothing . But you’re not going right. Miyako : Zene . I have too. That’s ok Misaka , your grandmother already invited me and my grandmother. Misaka : That’s wonderful to hear … See you there . Miyako : Yeah ! See you there . Zene : Miyako , I need to talk to you. Miyako : What is it. Zene : Were just friends . Remember the night we went out . I told you were something to me . Miyako : Well , I know that but to me . If a guy kiss me . That means he really think I’m special to him . Zene : What a kiss . Miyako : Sorry , Zene your not my prince charming . I just don’t think we meant together . I just think you as a friend . Nothing , more. I’m going to class . See you. Zene : Miyako …

On recess .

                      The boys are having lunch with the girls . Miyako was going to sit next to Zene. Zene : Hey , Miyako . Here ! I save you a sit . Miyako went to the sit but then Misaka . Misaka : Hey , Miyako sit with me I save you a sit at the V.I.P  corner.Miyako was confused . Then she thought to sit next to Misaka . Miyako : Sorry guys . Maybe next time. Miyako went to the V.I.P corner. Momoko : Wow , whose that guy . His cute . Zeke : Yeah , whatever all I know is he is not going to steal my girlfriend’s heart . Zeke was a little jealous. Momoko : Oh, Brick . Don’t be jealous I’m just kidding around. Zeke : I’m not jealous .  Momoko : Hmmmmmm…… Momoko just smiled at Zeke. Then Momoko looked at Zene . She saw him looking a little down. Momoko : What’s the matter Zene you look like you lost your girlfriend . Zene : Sound’s to it . Momoko : Ooooh.. C’mon Zene don’t be jealous I know Miyako just want to know him. Zene : Not only that. Zene told Momoko all about it. Momoko : Oooooh… I see you have problem of kissing a girl . When was the last time you kiss a girl beside your mother. Zeke : He never kiss mom . Mom kiss him. When mom ask him to kiss her . He cried . NO MOMMY PLEASE DON’T FORCE ME I’M SCARED !!! Zeke and Zero : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Kauro gave them a serious face. Then they both stopped laughing . Kauro : So you’re scared of kissing a girl so what . All guys are always like that on their first kiss and I know your brother’s can help . Kauro gave Zeke and Zero a scary eyes . Zeke and Zero : Yeah , sure ! Yeah . That’ll be terrific . hehehehe. Zene : Really , thanks guys you’re the best. Zeke : Yeah , how hard could it be……

At the boys house .

                         Zeke : I can’t believe it’s so hard to trained him. Zero : I know. He even can’t kiss a doll . Zeke : Ok, Zene . Kiss it on the lips not on the other part. Zene gently kiss and finally gets it . Zeke : Oh, finally ! You know what little brother . Your totally ready to go to that dinner.

At the Kimita family’s house .

               There were so many people wearing fancy clothes.Zene was waiting outside. Zene finally saw Miyako . Zene : MIYAKO!!! Miyako saw him . Miyako : ZENE!! Then came out Misaka who is notice as the driver. Zene was shocked . He slowly move backward while Miyako and Misaka went in together . Then they all had dinner . After dinner it was the ball dance next. Miyako danced with Misaka while Zene  just see them dance . Then he saw them went to the balcony , Misaka kissed Miyako . Then Miyako and Misaka gently pushed away . But Miyako didn’t  felt right . Miyako : I’m sorry Misaka I just don’t feel it . Misaka : But I do . Miyako : I’m sorry . Miyako ran away and left the ball .

At the park .

                  Miyako was crying and saw a shooting star . Miyako : I wished I find my real true prince charming. Zene : I don’t know if I’m the one but will the princess care to dance with me . Miyako smiled and dance with him . Miyako : I’m sorry I was rood to you . Will you ever forgive me .  Zene : I always did. Miyako !  You’re really special to me and this is how I prove it. Zene kissed her Miyako and for the first time Zene took out his tounge to connect with Miyako’s . Zene really did it . In a sparkle light they both changed into their transformation . They gently pulled out . Miyako : Zene you’re my prince charming that I really love and forever will .  Zene : Well I just can say you’re more special then the stars and the others that I met. Can I keep you . Miyako : Yes, you can keep me anytime ! Zene : Then I’ll keep you forever! Then there was fireworks. They both enjoyed the night together.


Wednesday 6 June 2012

Video for ppgz story k-pop fan



                                                               PPGZ FAN K-POP

Powerpuff girls z love story part 9


At the mall.


                 Miyako : Hey , let’s go to the dress shop corner. Kauro : What I’m not going to wear a dress . Beside’s I hate dresses . Momoko: Oh c’mon Kauro for just ones . Pretty please. Kauro : Alright , fine… Miyako : Alright . Here try this . Kauro : What no way . I f you want to find me a dress , find me a green dress ! Momoko : OK! Miyako : Then try this one . Momoko : No try this one ! Miyako and Momoko : TRY THEM BOTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kauro : Oh , great . Kauro went in the changing while the girls look for other dresses for Kauro. Then Kauro went out and show it to them . Momoko: Too Big. Try this other one.

Dresses .

The 2 : Too tight . The 3: Too girly . The 4 : Too sexy. The 5 : Too boy style. The 6 : Too long . The 7 : Too short . The 8 : Too cute. The 9 : Too much ribbon ! The 10 : PERFECT!!!

       Then they all bought the 10th  dress they wanted. Momoko : Time to look for shoes . Miyako : Yeah ! Let go to that store. Kauro : Oh , No!


The 1 : Too big . The 2 : Too small. The 3 : It’s pink . The 4 : Just PERFECT!!!
                  Momoko:  Now time to go to the accessories store . Miyako : Alright . I just saw the most beautiful accessories ever !

After 3 minutes.

                Kauro : We already shopping for dress , shoes and accessories . Can I go home now. Momoko : Not yet . This is our favourite part of shopping. Momoko and Miyako : TO THE SALON!!!!  Kauro : And that’s the part that I really hate !

After 22 minutes.

       Momoko : Don’t you look lovely on your new hair because I think you just look cute! Kauro : What ever ! Miyako : Now , let’s go to my house . To try on your new cloths . Kauro : Oh , great!

At Miyako’s place.

                Miyako : There your all set to your date . Momoko : Don’t you just look pretty on that Kauro. Kauro : I feel like in hell . Miyako : Oh Kauro ! “ Pon,pon,pon” Kauro : His already arrive ! Momoko : Well , good luck . Kauro ! Miyako : Yeah , good luck ! Kauro nodded and glance a smile on them. Momoko : They grow up so fast . Miyako : But she’s the sme age with us . Momoko : I know.

                    Kauro went in the car and saw a men in a coat . Kauro : Hey , you’re not Zero . Butler : I know , I’m just his butler. Kauro : Oh…

At a restaurant .


                  Butler : Were here . Then came a man who is the owner of the restaurant greets her. The owner : Welcome you must be the beautiful young lady. Sir Zero is waiting for you inside . Kauro : Sir Zero ? The owner : Yes ! Kauro went in and saw no one there but only a table for two with a candle light there was a beautiful music and there was no roof but only the star on the sky shining . Zero :Table for two maim  ? Kauro : Why am I not surprise ? Zero look from the bottom till the top on Kauro  . Zero : You look beautiful today. Your almost like the beautiful star that are shining up on the sky but the thing is you’re more beautiful than ever . You’re like angel to me . Kauro blush . Zero : It’s cute to see you blush . Zero pull a chair and glance a smile to Kauro to tell her to sit down . Zero : Join me for dinner my angel . Kauro went to sit on the chair .The waiters serve them some food but all of them are Kauro’s favorite meal . Kauro : How did you know all of this are my favorite meal . Zero : Because your favorite meal is my favorite meal. After dinner . The light went off . Kauro : AAAAAAAH ! Zero where are you help me it’s too dark !!! When the lights went on Kauro saw she wasn’t on the chair . She saw she was hugging Zero . Kauro was confused to see her hugging him because she didn’t felt anything just now . But she notice she was holding something and it made her calm. Then came out a slow music . Zero : Care for a dance my power puff girl . Kauro : As long the lights won’t turn off . Zero : Whatever you say my queen .  Kauro and Zero dance till the night . When the clock struck 12.00 . Kauro : It’s midnight . Zero : I won’t let  my Cinderella run away this time . Zero kissed Kauro on the lips . Gently Zero let his tongue out so does Kauro . They connect it . They dance all the night .

Tomorrow morning at school.

                     Momoko : Hey , Kauro . How was your date. Kauro : It went fine . Miyako : I heard you kiss Zero until the end of the night . Kauro : WHAT ! Who told you that !?! Momoko : Didn’t you know . Kauro : Know what ? Miyako : It went into the school’s paper. Kauro : Let me see that ! Kauro read the paper and the title was ‘

love : Zeke and Zene.
 Kauro : Those little brad . I’M GONNA KILL TGHEM IF THAT’S THE LAST THING I DO!!!!!! ZEKE ! ZENE ! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS !!!! Momoko : Hahahah , Oh , Kauro . Miyako: Those boys really are sneaky . Momoko : And that’s why Zeke’s my boyfriend!  Momoko and Miyako : Hahahahah . Kauro : ZEKE! ZENE ! I’M GONNA KILL YOU ! Zeke : Try us if u can ! Zene : Yeah!


At Night . At Kauro’s place.

                        Kauro is writing her dairy :

  Dear Diary ,

            Yesterday , was the best day of my life. I went on a date with Butch , I know this feels weird but I date him because he defeated me on the football competition. He bought me my favorite skateboard that I always dream of but I still own him a date . Momoko and Miyako help me with finding my dress . Well it was a girly type but they force me . I didn’t know Butch was so rich . He got a butler and he book the whole restaurant just for our date . We had dinner there after that the light went off it really frightened as you know I am a scared of the dark but then I touched something and it really made me calm . When the lights were turned on , I saw myself hugging Butch and he and I danced but then came the lips !!! I kissed him and we dance until end of the night ! It was like a fairytale even though tough Brick and Boomer post that me and Butch kiss at the school’s paper . I didn’t know they were sneaking all the time on my date . But I handled them , I just love my life but I better don’t tell my parent’s especially my idiot brothers !!!


                                                                    Kauro …..

‘ Ding Dong’ there was a ring on the door . Kauro’s mother open the door and saw Zero . Kauro’s mother : Oh , hello there. Zero : Good evening maim . Is Kauro here ? Kauro’s mother : Yes , she is. And u are ? Zero : Her Boy-…. Kauro already went down before Her mother open the door she closed his mouth . Kauro : Hey , mom! This is Zero my classmate . Kauro’s mother : Wonderful . Bring him in . Kauro bring him in and told him… Kauro : Not in front my mother ! Zero glanced her a smile to tell her she understand . Then they all chat together . They were all laughing . Hahahahah. Kauro : Hey momo . I’m going to bring him up to my room ok! Kauro’s Mom : Sure sweety. Mom whisper to Kauro : This guy is really sweet , nice , gentle , cute and just so wonderful you should find a boyfriend like him.  Kauro : Hehehehe . Yeah !  They both went upstairs to Kauro’s room . They played video and just finishing with Zero loosed the game . Zero : Man your good ! Kauro : I’m a professional ! Zero smiled at her Kauro : What ? Zero : Nothing it’s just that you’re so pretty Kauro : Whatever but I’m going to the kitchen to get some drinks and cookies for us .Zero : Yeah sure. Kauro went downstairs . Zero saw a book and there was paper up it said Diary . He read it . Until he saw the page that Kauro just wrote about yesterday.

  Dear Diary ,

            Yesterday , was the best day of my life. I went on a date with Butch , I know this feels weird but I date him because he defeated me on the football competition. He bought me my favorite skateboard that I always dream of but I still own him a date . Momoko and Miyako help me with finding my dress . Well it was a girly type but they force me . I didn’t know Butch was so rich . He got a butler and he book the whole restaurant just for our date . We had dinner there after that the light went off it really frightened as you know I am a scared of the dark but then I touched something and it really made me calm . When the lights were turned on , I saw myself hugging Butch and he and I danced but then came the lips !!! I kissed him and we dance until end of the night ! It was like a fairytale even though tough Brick and Boomer post that me and Butch kiss at the school’s paper . I didn’t know they were sneaking all the time on my date . But I handled them , I just love my life but I better don’t tell my parent’s especially my idiot brothers !!!


                                                                    Kauro …..

Zero : I know she’ll fallen for me . He put the book and saw an empty bottle and took it . Kauro went in with some snack. Zero : Hey , Kauro let’s play truth or dare . Kauro: Ok, fine . Zero spin the bottle and the bottle showed Kauro . Zero : Ok truth or dare ! Kauro : Truth ! Zero : Are you fallen for me or not? Kauro was shock she didn’t know what she felt on Zero .   I do not like him , or do I what am I saying ? this is a stupid question the answer is No!                            Kauro thought . Zero : Tick , tock . 3,2,oo.nn…. Kauro : YES , I’M FALLEN FOR YOU!  Kauro whisperd to herself Kauro : Great, what am I saying . Zero : I thought so.. It was Kauro turn to spin . She spin it and the bottle show her . Kauro : Great . I’ll take dare. . Zero : Kiss me on the lips ! Kauro : What ! No way . Zero : C’mon that’s the part of the game right? Kauro gently give him a kiss on the lips . Kauro pull it away But Zero couldn’t help his self and kiss her again he kiss her like the day he kiss her at their date … Then it was 11.00 o’clock . Kauro pushed away again . Zero : It’s time for to go now  ! Kauro : Yeah , sure . Zero : See you at school my angel .  Zero flew away from the window . Kauro : I can’t believe I kiss him again but it’s kind of feel good somehow?? Kauro control yourself let’s just get to bed . Kauro went to her bed and went to sleep.