Monday 4 June 2012

Powerpuff Girls love story part 7

Part 7 : The date is disaster but love is destiny.

At the park.

Blossom : Wait why are we at the park? Brick : You’ll see. ( Brick close Blossom’s eye with a blind fold ) Blossom : Where are we going . It’s all dark , I can’t see a thing with this blind fold. Brick smiled but he didn’t reply he doesn’t want to ruin their first date. Brick : Are you ready. Blossom: Ready for what ? Brick : I’m going to open this blind fold . Blossom: Ok! Brick gently open the blind fold and Blossom was surprise. Blossom: Wow! The was a table for 2 next to the fountain . There was candlelight on the table. There was little sparkle light everywhere. Blossom can believe her eyes when she saw the stars and the moon up in the sky . It was like a fairytale to her but then she saw Bubble’s and Boomer . Bubble : Welcome to dining date restaurant . Boomer : Which table would u 2 couples would like . Blossom : There’s only 1 table over there so… I’m taking it . Bubble : That’s wonderful but before that here are some dresses for u both. Boomer : The changing room is right over there. Boomer point his finger to a changing for girls and for boys.

2 minutes past.

Brick was ready waiting for blossom outside . Then Blossom came out . Brick : Wow, u look beautiful blossom. Blossom : Thanks Brick. Bubble: Right this way sir, your table is waiting. Brick nodded and looked at blossom, brick hold blossom hand blossom just smile…. They sit on their table while Buttercup and Butch is making sure no one was around. Blossom : It’s charming to see buttercup and butch together. Brick : Just save it for their guts . Blossom: Hm! Blossom smiled. They both enjoyed their dinner.


There was an explosion . Princess: Hello , Boys…… Brick: Princess! I’ve should had known . Princess: Did u miss me sweetie ? Brick : How many time do I have to tell u to never call me sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Lightning bolt. Brick hands went out 2 pairs of lightning . It hit on Princess head and came out smoke. Princess fell down . The girls were surprise to see bricks power is not anymore with the straw anymore or whatever the power called . Blossom: Wasn’t Brick power was……… Boomer: Rock bagger. Boomer raise up his hand and collect all the small stones and make it into 1 big stone where the stone is connected with electrician. Boomer throw it to princess. Princess: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Princess was in electric shock and her head was bleeding . But Princess stand up and took out her power. Princess: It’s my turn . Vegas compass ! Princess took out the rain and the rain went to them and the rain thundered brick and boomer. Brick and Boomer fainted to the grown. Princess laughed using her evil laugh. Butch : Laser flat ! Butch went out his laser and shoot on Princess. Then Princess fainted. Brick: Urgh, what happened . Blossom : Brick, ur ok! Blossom hugged brick. Boomer : Wait Princess! Where is she did she escape ? Bubble : Don’t worry butch handled her . Buttercup and butch send her home. Brick: That’s good to hear . Boomer: But Your guys date it’s all ruin. Bubble: Yeah! Blossom: Oh, that’s ok. Brick : Her love is all I wanted . Her love is better than a date. Bubble: Like in that blog story what it called? Oh, yeah Date is disaster but love is destiny…… Blossom : That’s my blog Bubble. Bubble : Oh……… Boomer : Hey, Bubble let’s go have a movie I just bought them so we can go after their date . Bubble : I would love to …. Brick: So you want me to walk you home. Blossom : Well wouldn’t that be harsh if you send me home . I don’t want u to get tired even though I can just fly home. Brick: I’m not leaving u this time Blossom. Blossom: Well whatever u say . Blossom and Brick walk together…

 On the way home.

Blossom: Hey , Brick . Can I ask you ? Brick : Sure. Wow, Blossom really look series I  wonder what she’s gonna say?      Thought Brick. Blossom: What happen to your old powers? Brick : Huh? Why u ask . Blossom: Well because ur powers are not like the old ones anymore. Brick: Oh, well it’s a long story. When me and my brother just want to be a normal human . Just like other kid even like u girls… So we traded our powers to Him and Mojo…. Then we three lost our memory  but then Mr. Hakamo adopted us to be his son. We three had a loving family when our mother died . Dad left to go to his stupid work trip to London . He left us for 3 years and came back with his stupid new movie but when he went back . He fell sick and the doctor said he had a heart attack . Nothing can save even the medicine everyday he gets more weaker. When he was to leave us he told us to live with our uncle. As we notice when we live with he always make us happy . We love him but then we went bored our uncle told us we should go to school, we never went to school because we usually have home school so we thought maybe yes. But who notice our life change when we three met professor he know all about us he cured us we our lost memory he felt the white aura in us and gave new powers better than the old one we secret it from our Uncle Mahoko. We didn’t notice our uncle sent to a school and put us in a class with the ppg. We all was surprise…. That’s how I met you and the girls… Momoko smiled when she arrived home… Blossom: Thanks Brick for sending me home Brick : No , problem . I just love to help . Blossom : Brick ! Brick: Huh? Blossom glanced at Brick and gave him a kiss at the lips . While kissing they took out their tounge and connected it together. Brick thought Finally I got a kiss from the girl I love.. Blossom push him slowly and said Blossom: You didn’t thought I’m going to kiss u longer didn’t you. Brick: Well kind of Blossom: Grrr… Your such a jerk… Brick: Hahahahah.. Urrrrrrr………. Blossom. I love you. Blossom : Me too…. I’ll better get in the house now I’m scared my mother is worried . Brick: Oh , ok! Blossom : Bye brick . Brick : Bye , Blossom. Blossom closed the door and ran to her room . Brick: YES! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! FINALLY .  Brick went home…

End of part 7…

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Blossom and Brick are finally together . I'm so happy to be a blogger but you should see on Buttercup and Butch love story what will they do will they or not.
