Sunday 27 May 2012

Part 6 : First War, first love and for justice.

    Blossom: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Him: Come with me girl. Mojo Jojo: You got her ? Him: Right in handed . Mojo Jojo : hurry , bring her to the Jojo mobile. It doesn’t have to use gas or… Him : JUST SHUT UP AND GET HER IN THAT THING!!! Mojo opens the door and that time momoko fainted , while having a bad dream.

Meanwhile brick and miyako.

        Brick : Hmmmm, what’s that. ( brick notice someone following him) Miyako: BOO! Brick : graaaahh…. Miyako : hahahah , it’s just me brick. Brick: it’s u bubbles Miyako: I just saw what happen to u and blossom just now.  Brick : well , I guess there’s a lot of boys out there ask her out but she don’t accept am I right. Miyako : Nop, ur wrong…. Brick: Wha… Miyako : Actually blossom just doesn’t like u coz she still think your evil. Brick : hmmm, how am I ever gonna impress her now . Miyako : Don’t worry brick I can help u . Brick : but how? Miyako : Here’s some tip… They talk along the way home.      

The next morning.

At school ,

       Zeke was holding a flower with a box of chocolate for Momoko . Then Zeke thought what Miyako told him. Remember the way to impress a girl is with a surprise gift . Well I don’t know  if blossom love flowers or not but all I know is that she just love chocolate. Brick : Momoko will love this… but where is she. Zene: ZEKE! ZEKE! Zeke: What is it ? Zene: Momoko..Momoko… Zeke: What’s wrong with Momoko? Zene: Momoko, she’s missing…. Zeke : WHAT?!?

At the professors lab.

             Brick: Professor where’s Momoko. Boomer : Urrrr, professor . ? : Hello , boys nice to meet u again. The ? turn the chair around and it was… Brick and Boomer: HIM?!? Brick : I’ve should of known it was you who did all this. Him : Not only me boys . So does ur father ur father. Mojo: Hello, son… Boomer: Mojo.. Brick,: Were not ur son anymore and ur not our father either …. Now tell us where is Blossom? U damn it… Mojo : Right over there. Blossom was on a machine chair that can for sure make their brain to forget everything….  Brick : GRRRRRRRRRR………….. Let her GO!! Mojo : Why a rush . if u want her u have to get through my   magnetizer . Brick GAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Brick give Mojo a feast on the knee.. Boomer: I’ve had never seen Brick that strong before.. Well I guess this is the meaning of love… After fighting Mojo until blood came out of him, Brick : GIVE BACK MY POWERPUFF GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brick give an anger eye on Him. But Him seen to ignored brick. Him came forward him and let him punch him.. Brick was confused . Brick : You ask for it . Brick give a punch on his stomach but it was confusing him coz Him was gone . On the lab screen Him: You miss me, we will meet again Brick and all of u ppgz and rrbz… Brick : Why you chicken… Blossom : That’s enough brick! Blossom was awaken from her faint. Boomer, let free blossom. Blossom look at him with an anger eye Blossom : It’s your fault I’m like this and because of u…. (blossom’s eye came up to tears ) and because of u I’m set free. Blossom hugged Brick.. Brick was happy he glance a smile on blossom. Blossom : I’m sorry brick coz I didn’t believe u.. Brick : That’s ok Blossom… Blossom: Wait where’s professor ? Brick : Yeah, where’s professor? Boomer : Don’t worry I handled them. I already set them free. Brick: But where are them? Professor : Were right here.. Hiding behind this sofa. Blossom : Professor where’s ken and pucci . Ken : Right here. Pucci : Hello guys.. Butch, Buttercup and Bubble went in the lab . Butch : Everything’s alright.. Bubble : Yeah , I had a bad sense that u guys are in trouble Buttercup : Yeah , let me fight it . Blossom : Well, u guys are to late Him and Mojo are already gone well accept for Mojo..( Blossom look behind where Mojo is. But he wasn’t there .) Blossom : Well I guess he already ran away. Thanks to Brick and Boomer. Brick give a smile and blushing. Bubble whisper at Brick  Bubble : Hey , Brick had u given Blossom the gift u bought for her… Brick : Oh , yeah . Hey I was thinking to have some privacy here. Bubble : Oh , ok. Hey guys I just saw a new Restaurant across the stree what say if we go there and the bill let me handle. Everybody : Alright.. Brick : Blossom . Brick hold Blossom’s arm while everybody went outside . Bubble gave a winked at Brick to wish good luck and Brick wink back . Blossom: What is it Brick? Brick : I have something to say to u . Blossom I’ve always wanted to say this to u . Will .. will y-you be my girlfriend  . Blossom: Brick…… Yes I will love too. Blossom hugged Brick . Brick :Well let’s go we don’t want to be late on our first date . Blossom : What first date . We promise Bubble to go to the restaurant she just said . Don’t worry Bubble already know even though  she did plan all this just to help me to impress . Oooops… Brick close his mouth  . Blossom: Oh, really … Brick : Hahah, ur not mad aren’t u . Blossom: Well…… like I care.. Brick : Alright , let’s go.


Saturday 26 May 2012


here's a little video for all of u........



Wednesday 23 May 2012

powerpuff girls z love story part 5

Part 5: The little secret…     

Momoko: What are you doing here. What have you done with the professor . Miyako: Ya, hurry tell us. Kauro: I just say we have a fight. Miyako: I agree Momoko: So do I…. Brick: hey, hey …. Easy girls.. Boomer:

Ya, were not here to fight you. Butch : Were just here to tell you something very important. Momoko: Oh , really what is it? Brick : Thanks for hearing but I guess professor should tell you. If we tell you guys. You guys will think it’s a joke. Oh, PROFESSOR! Professor : Yes , Brick? Miyako: Professor your ok. Professor: Yes, I’m fine girls so is Ken. Ken: Hey, girls. PPGZ: KEN! Ken: Listen, girls professor have something to tell you. Professor: Well, I don’t think u girls will like this but I have to. I’ve put some the chemical Z on them. PPGZ: YOU,WHAT!!!!! Professer: Calm,down girls me and ken can explain everything. Momoko: Alright explain ( Momoko sit on the sofa and eating a box of chocolate she just bought after school . While the girls just stand there with a serious face) Kauro: Come on, blossom we need to hear their explanaisyen not sitting  on the sofa and have a box of chocolate. Momoko: I am hearing while eating while eating on the sofa. Kauro: Urgh, never mind. Miyako : girls be quiet professor gonna tell us. U can explain now professor. Professor : thank u bubble’s. Miyako: ur… professor, since I’m not change into a ppg yet u can still call me Miyako. Professor : Alright. Yesterday, when u girls went home I saw them playing at the soccer Conner so I thought to visit them since they do not do evil anymore I asked them I f they would like to be one of u .
 They told me yes but I was scared they were still the old rrb. So puci detected them and saw white aura in them we can see they changed in their way  they change like adults way. So that’s why I don’t call u girls anymore because I want to see their skills in how they changed then I gave them some chemical z for a reward of saving Townsville. Miyako: Ooooo… than it’s ok ur free in our dignity. Momoko: But I still don’t believe them. Professor : Oh, before I forgot start from now they school with u and I geuss u know them already. Momoko: Don’t tell me brick is Zeke , boomer is Zene and butch is Zero. RRB: yup, that’s us . we are now the rowdy ruff boy z. Kauro: But make sure u keep ur secret don’t let anybody know or I’ll kill you. BUTCH: Don’t worry we won’t.
 Kauro : I’m watching u guys. Boomer: So , tonight at 8. Miyako: oh , yeah sure. Brick : hey, momoko I’ll send u home. Momoko: No, thanks. Brick: But why . Momoko : Do , u have to know. ( blossom walk away)

At the houses road.


     Blossom was walking lonely. Then came something very fast. Momoko : Huh? Whose there I’m not a afraid of u.  Then …


End of part 5.

powerpuff girls z love story part 4

part 4 : who are you.

The bell ring..

Momoko: It’s weird our belt didn’t glow at all. Miyako: Maybe all the villains are taking a break. Kauro : Really Miyako. Momoko: Any wise . I thought  we were going to spy on the guys. Kauro: Hum- Hey, girls I think there’s something behind the bushes…. Momoko : Um… I don’t see anything Miyako: So do IKauro: But , urgh never mind maybe I’m just seeing things.  (Behind the bushes) Zeke: Do u think they see us. Zene: Don’t think so…. Zero : k, guys let’s move on.

At professor’s lab.

Momoko: Professor , were here… Miyako: Professor Kauro: Maybe professor is not here. Puci are u here… ?: Hello, girls.. ??:We’ve been waiting … ???: For u. Momoko: Who are u ? Miyako : and what have u done with the professor? Kauro: Come on spit it out before I kick ur buds . Come on show your face don’t be a coward… Then they turn their chair around.. Momoko: W-what, it can’t be. Miyako: They’re still alive. Kauro: Imposible…

End of part 4

Tuesday 22 May 2012

powerpuff girls z love story part 3.

Part 3 : Back up, boy who do u think u are.

Princess: Hi, Zeke. I think u know who I am…. Zeke: What I don’t know who u are ur not even popular at this school Princess: What did you said Zeke: u heard what I said ur un popular Princess: Yes, I am . I’m Princess my father is the mayors brother I rule Townsville now u get it. Zeke: Yup, I totally get it. Princess: good , so u do u want get lunch with me ?  Zeke: Sorry , I can’t silly princess. I’m waiting for some one . Princess : Oh, really how sweet u don’t have to wait for me Zeke: Wha-t wait I’m not waiting for u I’m waiting for momoko u silly princess , even know why should I wait for u ur just a fake princess so u can flirt me like the other girls u don’t have to act like a princess in front of me wearing a stupid rabbit suit. Princess: This is not a rabbit suit. This is a princess suit and why don’t u like me and be my boyfriend instead that stupid girl she can’t give u anything I’m rich I can get u anything at all Zeke: Don’t u call Momoko that she’s a sweet and charming girl not like u. Princess : Yeah , right like she’s ur girlfriend or something. Zeke : Yes, she is ……. Then brick think (what am I saying I just know her) Princess : What u like her how could u but if she’s ur girlfriend then prove it. Zeke think to himself ( Uh,oh this is bad) Momoko: Hey, Zeke . I’m here . Sorry I’m late I was just….. ( Then Zeke kiss her on the lips) Princess: what, no this can’t happen ur suppose to pick me not her. ( then princess ran away crying) Momoko think ( What is he doing and what I’m doing and why I’m kissing him) Momoko tried to pull away from him but Zeke’s hand was on her head and another one was on her kidney he was so strong that Momoko can’t pull away from him. Zeke was enjoing the kiss until he forgot that the kiss was just suppose to be short not a long kiss . Then he pulled out his tongue to get with Momoko’s tongue then Momoko let out her tongue to stick with Zeke’s tongue then when Momoko tried to let her tongue with Zeke’s she remembered that she’s just want to reveal his secret’s not to be his girlfriend then this time Momoko tried to push him away even stronger then Zeke let go his hand Momoko: back up boy, who do u think u are! Zeke: Momoko I’m…. Momoko slap his face Momoko : How dare u kiss me like that without letting me know . (Momoko eye’s was about to fall some tears to her face) Momoko: I can’t believe I got trick by u . You’re a big jerk Zeke. Zeke: Momoko wait I was just doing that so Princess will get away from me and I’m so sorry I kissed u give me another chance please…… Momoko: Alright I forgive u , but u must promise anytime u want to do something on me  u promise u’ll ask first ok . Promise? Zeke: Cross my heart. Zeke : Come on let’s go there’s a lot of thing I need to know about this school. Momoko: Woooooow…………..

At the cafeteria.

Kauro: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! Zero: Hey , relax it’s just me Zero. Kauro: Would  u stop doing that on me u may make someone heart attack u know Zero: Hahahahahahahah, sorry. I didn’t mean it. Kauro: Whatever . Zero: So, is it time to go . Kauro : Ya , sure what ever. Zero: Ok then let’s go. Kauro and Zero : walk away ….

At class.

Miyako: Lalalalalalalala. ( Miyako is drawing a picture of Octi ) Zene: Wow, cool octopus Miyako: Thanks, Zene. ( Miyako blush) Then Momoko and Zeke came in giggling Momoko: Hey , Miyako. Miyako: Hey, Momoko. So how was u and Zeke? Momoko: Um- Miyako we need to talk . Miyako: About what? Momoko: C’mon.We’ll talk outside the classroom I don’t want them to hear it. Miyako: Ok. Kauro came in with curios face with Zero . He was just smiling at Kauro. Momoko:Kauro come here. Kauro: I’ll be right back. Zero: ya, sure. Zeke: So how was u and kauro doing great?? Zero: Nop, but when I’m near to her I keep getting a signal that buttercup is around me somewhere . Zeke: Same to me on Momoko it’s like she’s blossom. Zene: Ya , me too I think Miyako is bubble’s. Zeke: I thnk they are th ppgz we need to sneak on them so we can know the truth. Zero; Ya , I’m totally voting for u man……

End of part 3.